build your revenue plan in reverse

young woman working at deskcalculate exactly how many clients you need.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

when i started my business, one of the first things i did was teach a quickbooks class at the local adult education center. i was paid a lousy $20 per hour to teach a six-hour class of up to 12 entrepreneurs how to set up a chart of accounts, create invoices and enter bills. after the first class, some of the entrepreneurs came up to me and said, “this is good, but i don’t want to do it. do you want to do my quickbooks for me?” and i started getting clients.

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the thing about how i started my business was that it was completely reactive; i was at the mercy of who approached me. i wasn’t actively selling. the result was that my business grew incrementally and slowly. i truly didn’t know where i was going, and i didn’t have a plan.